2011. december 12., hétfő

Half year gone on Oranum...

Hey fellow people! :)

Half year gone since my last blog entry, time flies like hell.....

In a nutshell, i'm still with Oranum, pretty much satisfied with how the things going on here. I had some time off due to personal issues, but when I got back, my old Members welcomed me!

Oranum previously had an issue with the free chat, too many people begging for free readings, some of them were rude. But finally they RESOLVED this around October, making the free chat available for Members with free registration. This improved a lot on how I felt on Oranum!

To give a hint on my financial situation... :) (I think it's important for everyone) I earned well above $5.000 in the past month, and as I know from the admin team, i'm not the best (damn! :)) ). So I encourage everyone to join in if you enjoy being in the spotlight and having heavy traffic.


2011. június 9., csütörtök

First payment from Oranum!

Hi Everyone again!

Couple of days gone since my last post, let me give you a follow-up on what happened:
- After starting on Oranum, I signed up to couple of other websites offering online Psychic jobs. With less luck... not only the payouts were worse than on Oranum, I didn't like the whole atmosphere... but you know what I mean.
- In the meantime I developed myself well on Oranum, getting familiar with how the system works, etc. So the first payout day came...

And ta-da-da-daaam! See the results below! :)) I just got my check.

I'm enjoying it pretty much... well if anyone needs help with registering or getting familiar, just comment here on my blog!


2011. május 29., vasárnap

Started to work on Oranum!

I took a big breath and registered myself on Oranum this Friday! Wish me good luck! :)

So far I had positive experiences. If you look at the website you can see that this is something professional, the layout, the technical solutions, and the whole concept.

I as an Expert have my own contol panel where I can see and manage everything of my work (I just added a screenshot above). From sales details to payouts, pictures, videos, etc. This resembles me to the usual phone control panels. But! What surprised me that they offer the option to manage the Members as well. Well, that's smart, like you can send to your Members messages on occasions, or just take notes of the conversations for yourself.

About the financial side: without any extra investment (I already had my PC, internet and headset) with a 5 minutes registration (and instant approval) I already earned close to $100. That's the minimum payout limit, so I will get my first payout next month.

Not bad I have to say. I mean I used to earn more usually with my old clients visiting me, but considering that this is something very new and I just introduced myself to the members of that community... very promising.

Will update you all! Btw. anyone else registered on Oranum.com? Or other similar websites?


2011. május 24., kedd

Has anyone ever worked for Oranum?

I just found a promising new venture called Oranum that provides a platform for online Psychic jobs.

Has anyone ever worked for Oranum?
Has anyone made money at Oranum?

I just really wanna find it out before I sign up!


Hello to Everyone!

I'm a tarot card reader in the age of 43 and recently decided to give a try to online Psychic jobs. Weird in my age? No way! :)

I just found out that the phone readings business is slowly dying for the following reasons:
- phone companies are taking at least the 50-60% of the incomes. That leads to less profit, and less major companies to support this business.
- governments are coming up with more and strict regulations due to the customer complaints (just to make it clear, these complaints are because of the fake TV shows).
- phone payment options doesn't allow customers to spend big money due to the restrictions.
- general lack of trust from the customers.
- to name the most burning issues...

Why I see the big potential in online readings:
- credit card processors are taking just a couple of percentages.
- no restrictions neither on online readings (as per the content), neither on online payments (including limitations, daily spendings, etc.).
- online readings give you the option to have live video as well, that's the best tool for gaining trust in customers!
- simply, regular media will change drastically soon and everything will be connected to the internet and interactive entertainment.

Hope I gave a good topic starter. :) Let me introduce myself later...

Andrew - the online Psychic :)